There is really no age for anyone to take up any form of martial arts. Whether you’re a child a teenager, a working adult or a retiree, it’s a great way to improve physical fitness, health, and wellness, all while having fun.
It is all too easy when one has come to the age of retirement to lead a sedentary lifestyle. I, for one, being close to 60, can feel the effects of ageing. As we age, we lose muscle mass, flexibility and energy to perform daily routines. This will eventually lead to loss of strength, fitness and health. The drop in body immunity will lead to various illnesses in time. In order to prevent that and improve the quality of life as we progress in age, exercise should be an important part of our routine.
What better way to exercise than through the practise of martial arts! Martial arts has the ability to renew the mind, body, and spirit, especially for seniors. Speaking for myself as a martial artist, I have been able to slow the ageing process and keep my health and fitness in control. It is just so very important to stay active in your twilight years.

Therefore, for you seniors out there, you are never too old to begin training. Picking up martial arts as a senior is a great way to spur new life into your fitness regime while learning something new, fun and challenging.
Obviously, physical limitations and health considerations need to be addressed before engaging in this type of activity. The beauty of martial arts, though, is that it can be tailor-made and adapted to anyone.
Here are 4 benefits to why you should consider martial arts in your twilight years :-
1. It sustains mental health
Dementia is a disease associated with ageing and can be aggravated further if you live a life of inactivity. We no longer think or react as sharply as before.
However, the practice of martial arts can significantly reduce these effects of aging. Through constant practice of repetitive and reactionary routines in training, seniors are able to build up cognitive thinking and many cases improve brain function. Eventually, it becomes a lifestyle to maintain physical and mental discipline. Not only are mental faculties strengthened, physical abilities are also improved.

2. It keeps your body healthy
That is obvious, of course. In a kickboxing class, you can lose between 500 to 700 calories in just 1 hour. In that time, your body will burn fat, tone muscle, improve your cardiovascular health and overall fitness. You will feel a wonderful sense of achievement, self confidence and happiness as endorphins are pumped throughout your body due to the workout.
No doubt too you will sleep and eat better. You will be more conscious about your health because you feel good about maintaining your healthy lifestyle.
3. It slows down aging
I wish I could say martial arts reverses the signs of ageing, but more aptly put, it really slows down the aging process and prevents the development of age-related diseases.
Muscles atrophy and gaining weight will occur affecting our strength, balance, endurance, mobility and posture all because of a lack of activity and exercise.
This can only lead to a downward spiral in health.
Martial arts training through its full body workout can help reverse the effects of ageing ang improve overall health.

4. It builds new friendships
Our circle of friends tend to diminish as we age as we no longer meet colleagues or workmates in our retirement. Being in a martial arts class helps us build new friendships with people of the same interest. As friends, we will tend to challenge and motivate each other in our workouts. It makes being lazy or skipping class much harder to do as you will have friends urging and encouraging you forward.
Social engagement enhances the workout as friendships develop into a community of like-minded people with a common interest!
5. It makes you feel good
Nothing gives you more euphoria and happiness than knowing that you survived a martial arts class with flying colours! The surge of feel-good endorphins generated by the workout floods through your body lifting your mood. It gives you a positive outlook in life and enhances your self confidence.
At an age of retirement, being happy is so very important. Having that sort of joyful, worry-free attitude will keep your immunity at an optimum and keep you free from physical and physiological illnesses.

As we get older, it is important for us to keep active no matter how we choose to do so. We need to keep in shape and focus on our health to avoid complications that arise in old age.
Come and join us for KICKBOXING FOR FITNESS or JEET KUNE DO and make martial arts training a part of your daily routine!